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You are not alone….Domestic abuse and violence is something that many people feel they are forced to live with. But You are not alone; it is something that can happen to any person man, woman, child, even the elderly. 
Don’t despair there are people who can help. For someone to talk to who will listen with an understanding of the problems and acknowledge of the support services available just call the appropriate number below.



Viva House Refuge

Tel:+353-1-866 2015


Tel:+353-46-902 3718

Aoibhneas Refuge

Tel:+353-1-867 0701


Tel:1800 666 666


Womens Aid Helpline

Tel:1800 341 900

Elder Abuse

Tel:1850 241 850

Gardai Blanchardstown

Tel:+353-1-666 7000or999

Rape Crisis Centre

Tel:1800 778 888