News Update 12 July 2022
1) Last week the Dublin 15 Family Support team provided over 15 1:1's to family members affected by a loved one's drug or alcohol use and people struggling with alcohol misuse.
2) PUP (Parenting Under Pressure) Programme in collaboration with Tolka river Project
The PUP programme is an evidence based parenting programme that runs for 8 weeks. It focuses on the strengths a parent already has and challenges they currently face. It dispels the myth of the 'perfect parent' and rather focuses on being a 'good enough' parent. It equips the parents with skills to manage challenging situations with their children. The following are quotes from people who took part in the programme:
The awareness the programme has taught me a around my children; my communication is so much better with my family and my son has agreed to attend counselling. The PUP facilitator put me in touch with them and I am forever grateful.
I really enjoyed learning all the techniques to do with my kids and the meditations you can do with them.
I really enjoyed the PUP programme. I have taken so much learning from it and will continue to use these skills and awareness. I'm sad it has finished. I would give it 10/10, such a brilliant programme.
This group has made me massively aware of things I can improve on as a parent, as well as the important skills I already have. I have already seen great improvements from myself and my child after only 8 weeks.